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FRISCO — Six Summit Aerial Academy acceptance accept been alleged to appear the Aerial Academy Honors Achievement Series at Carnegie Anteroom in New York City, a acclaimed account bestowed on alone 400 aerial academy acceptance beyond the country out of 7,000 applications. 

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The account is remarkable, because six of the alleged acceptance appear from a little resort association in the mountains. While some of the acceptance are able to pay for the trip, a few of them are attractive for a little advice from the association to armamentarium their way to the big date in New York City.

The six Summit acceptance are Thomas Francis, Isabela Imamura from Dillon, Soledad Borrego from Breckenridge, Mikaela Clark from Summit Cove, Ellyn Lew from Breckenridge and Zachary Merriman from Summit Cove. Imamura and Merriman accept been alleged for the account choir before, but this will be the aboriginal cruise for the four others.

These six acceptance had to abide their own audience tape, aggressive with bags of added acceptance beyond the country. Best sang an Italian aria, “Caro Mia Ben,” for their audition.

“They had to apprentice an Italian aria, which is a appealing big deal, as best bodies don’t apprentice arias until college,” Summit Aerial Academy Choir Director Caroline Hesford said.

“Vocal resonance is able-bodied displayed through an Italian aria,” Clark said. “It involves a lot of address actuality that choirs accessory for. They can absolutely see the accurate admeasurement of your articulate adeptness afore actuality accepted.”

After accepting performed their best, professional-sounding audience tapes, the acceptance are captivated to accept been alleged for the civic account choir. 


Imamura, a chief who is applying to colleges for music amphitheater on the East Coast, said she has been singing anytime back elementary school. Accepting been alleged for the account choir before, she knows the electric action that comes with singing at the anointed and celebrated Carnegie Hall.

“It’s candidly such a big honor,” Imamura said. “Singing at Carnegie Anteroom was absolutely spectacular. It is so beautiful. The complete campaign all about the abode — absolutely an acquaintance we won’t be able to acquaintance again.”

Borrego, a chief who intends to abstraction aboriginal studies or music and amphitheater in college, additionally has been singing back elementary academy but took a breach and played in the academy bandage afore acumen how abundant she absent choir. She said that audition she will be singing at Carnegie Anteroom was a adventure of a lifetime.

“I was absolutely aflame back I begin out I got in,” Borrego said. “I was so blessed that I alleged my best acquaintance appropriate away. I anticipate Carnegie Anteroom will be magical, as able-bodied as New York.”

Most of the alleged acceptance accept never been to New York City before, authoritative the cruise all the added special.

Clark, a green in the choir for the aboriginal time, has been alive in the music amphitheater arena in Summit County, accepting performed in contempo bounded productions of “Little Shop of Horrors,” “Sweeney Todd,” “The Addams Family” and “Beauty and the Beast.” She said she was actual enthused about the cruise and the achievability of affair all the added abundant aerial academy singers beyond the country.

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“I anticipate that it’s so air-conditioned that we accept six kids from our baby canton going, back there aren’t a accomplished lot of bodies who do agreeable amphitheater here,” Clark said. “It’s activity to be abundant to accommodated bodies who sing like me. And accepting to go to New York and accepting to accomplish in such a celebrated anteroom amplitude is so cool.”

Lew, a inferior who has been singing with the choir for three years, said that abreast from the account of assuming with the civic account choir, it additionally helps addition approaching affairs in music should the acceptance accept to accomplish it a career.

“This can coalesce whether I appetite to do music as a career or not,” Lew said. “We’ll be alive with some of the best celebrated admiral in the country. No agnosticism it will it be a absolute air-conditioned acquaintance and will actuate for me whether this is what I appetite to do as a career.”

Merriman, a chief who will be accessory academy at the University of Colorado to abstraction music recording, is athrill about accepting to accomplish at Carnegie Anteroom again.

“It agency a lot,” Merriman said. “I fabricated it aftermost year, and it was a abundant time. It was absolutely activity changing. I saw a lot of things I was able to cantankerous off my brazier list, like a yacht ride about the anchorage and seeing the Statue of Liberty. I begin a lot of bodies who were as amorous about music as I am, and that was absolutely cool.”

All of the acceptance agreed that music, generally, has been a lifesaver. For some of them, music has been an escape from agitated childhoods and from circadian pressures.

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“For me, personally, music has consistently been an aperture to accurate myself and feel absolutely adequate in my own skin,” Imamura said. “I accord with a lot of anxiety, so it’s absolutely been a way to get out of that headspace and absolutely feel like myself.”

“I dealt with a lot of actuality as a kid, and I didn’t absolutely accept a way to get out of my brain,” Lew said. “Music is a abundant way to do that. It additionally helps me with creativity, like autograph music, and helped me acquisition some of my best friends.”

“Music has been activity alteration for me,” Borrego said. “It’s been like a home. Growing up, my home activity was actual isolating, but with music I begin a abode to cry and angular on. Music is aloof so admiring and unites altered people. I achievement I consistently do it.”

“Growing up, I had a bit of a asperous home life, so I had agitation absorption on any one thing,” Clark said. “Music is article I am absolutely amorous about now, it has gone through so abounding aspects of my life. There are additionally so abounding bookish aspects to music as able-bodied as a amusing aspect and abstracted aftereffect that lets me be in tune with myself. I appetite to do it for the blow of my life, I wouldn’t accord it up for anything.”

“Music has brought me out of the darkest corners in life,” Merriman said. “I’ve consistently had issues with brainy health, but music has accustomed me an aperture both for me to actualize and accord to added people, to hopefully abutment them through their afflicted times.”

While all are captivated about the opportunity, some charge a little banking advice to get to Carnegie. The cruise costs $2,500 for anniversary student, including abode and airfare. Hesford said the choir will be accomplishing fundraisers and odd jobs for the abutting ages to accession the money. The acceptance achievement the association can advice accomplish up the shortfall.

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“If we were to get that banking support, we would not alone be apery the aerial academy but Summit as a whole, and we’ll accomplish it proud,” Lew said. “It is such a amazing opportunity, abnormally with how arts are a bit beneath accustomed in a baby association like this. To accept six acceptance from the alone aerial academy actuality be accustomed is appealing incredible, and it would advice added music apprenticeship and actualize a aisle for added acceptance to do big things like this.” 

Hesford said the acceptance accept to pay their balances by Dec. 30. The cruise is from Jan. 30 to Feb. 3 with the Carnegie Anteroom achievement on the night of Feb. 2. To advice accord to the student’s cruise funds, alarm Hesford at 970-368-1115.

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