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BIG STORIES: The Breitweisers’ appellation “Bass Reeves” follows the allegorical ex-slave-turned-U.S.-marshal who Fort Smith’s “Hanging” Judge Isaac Parker assassin in 1889 to aggregate fugitives in the area that would afterwards become Oklahoma.

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For a hot minute this spring, a brace of Harding University art-school grads and their Arkansas-based publishing startup were the abandoned aggregation in America distributing banana books. And as a twist: Those comics were activity to Walmart stores, which hadn’t agitated banana books in added than 20 years. A absolute of 3,384 Walmarts, to be exact.

In a year in which supply-chain breakdowns afflicted the fate of the country, banana books wouldn’t assume to acceleration to the akin of news. But you accept to adore that at its May barrage Mitch and Elizabeth Breitweiser’s Allegiance Arts, the country’s youngest indie banana publisher, was the abandoned one aircraft books for a brace of weeks. The industry had to stop and stare.

Consider what it took for the Little Rock brace to barrage a aggregation that began its activity as the abandoned business in boondocks — any town, aces your town.

First: They enjoyed continued careers illustrating (Mitch) and actualization (Elizabeth) for the bigger publishers and titles in the industry. He grew up in Benton; she, in Beebe. Aback he accelerating from Harding in 2000, he confused to New Jersey and had a actualization of the Twin Towers (for a few months), painting signs for banks and automated parks and animadversion on doors till he got his breach at Curiosity Comics, with a arrangement to redesign Drax the Destroyer. He met Elizabeth the ancient way, through MySpace, aback he afterwards logged on to see how his old art administration was doing. “I had a acceptable feeling,” he says now. “She had a adduce from my admired assistant — and he wasn’t actually the best admired guy. I ample if she additionally admired this assistant who fabricated added bodies cry, there ability be article there.”

Because it’s a babyish state, Mitch artlessly already had met her family; he’d already accustomed her brother a ride to a comics assemblage in Chicago afterwards affair their mom in a ceramics class. Afterwards Elizabeth accelerating from Harding in 2005 she accomplished art at Central Arkansas Christian in North Little Rock. Aback she and Mitch met, he was illustrating a Captain America title, and she got into agenda coloring. “I black up a few pages to actualization them and get acknowledgment for a portfolio,” she says now. The acknowledgment came back: a job offer. Mitch and Elizabeth got affiliated in 2007 and today alive in the Heights adjacency of Little Rock.

Second: They got annoyed of alive on added people’s stuff. This happens. You deathwatch up one day and apprehend alive on added people’s actuality is a bifold bummer: They acquaint you what to do, and afresh they accumulate best of the money and credit. Alike if the actuality you’re alive on is the brand of Captain America, the Adolescent Avengers and the Sub-Mariner (Mitch); and the Hulk, Batman and Outcast (Elizabeth), at some point, you gotta do you.

Third: They crowdfunded about $200,000 to prove an admirers existed for a appellation declared “Red Rooster,” a appellation Mitch likens to Batman in a barn. They affiliated with Little Rock advocate and agent David Martin, whose Rolodex led them to a accumulated recruiter in Bentonville declared Cameron Smith, who knows about anybody in Northwest Arkansas.

Fourth: They fabricated a analgesic “Shark Tank”-style angle to Smith and afresh again aback he accumulated some Walmart-fluent folks. They got in advanced of Walmart, a aggregation that hadn’t agitated banana books in a generation, and fabricated the advertise there, too. “Nobody,” Smith says, “gets to alpha out with Walmart. The presentations blew me abroad and blew abroad the bodies I brought into that meeting. It was show-and-tell — it wasn’t aloof a agglomeration of words. They had these characters categorical and fatigued and bright and bigger than life.”

Fifth: They recruited aptitude to address and draw and letter their aboriginal titles: “Norah’s Saga,” “The Futurists,” “Red Rooster” and, conspicuously for Arkansans, “Bass Reeves.” It follows the allegorical ex-slave-turned-U.S.-marshal whom Fort Smith’s “Hanging” Judge Isaac Parker assassin in 1889 to aggregate fugitives from Indian Country in what would afterwards become Oklahoma. The writer, Kevin Grevioux, is accepted for gothic pulp-horror titles like “Underworld” and “I, Frankenstein.” 

That real-life alpine annual assertive Hunter Haynes, a Fayetteville bartering absolute acreage maven, to advance in Allegiance Arts. “The appropriate duke of the guy ambidextrous out this amends is this badass Black guy?” Haynes says now. “He’s ‘Django Unchained’? This is awesome.” 

Blake Northcott, the Toronto-based biographer on “Norah’s Saga,” says the assortment of the accomplished portfolio absorbed her into the fold. That, and abandon for her to actually own the story: “Mitch and Elizabeth were both so acceptable creatively,” she says. “Anytime addition is accommodating to duke over the reins and accord you artistic freedom, it makes a activity consistently added fun.”

And finally, as one does: The Breitweisers launched in the world’s bigger retailer, during a pandemic, amidst a beachcomber of amusing unrest.

The moment acquainted amiss for an ad blitz, but they’re press and distributing 140,000 accumulated copies of the books beyond the four titles, says Patrick Stiles, Allegiance Arts’ COO and an art administration acquaintance of Mitch’s at Harding. They pushed it on Facebook and YouTube and captivated their breath. To date, about 100,000 copies accept been awash at Walmart at $4.98 per comic. Audiences had spoken. The gambles worked. Communicable or no, Allegiance Arts is a thing.

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“Walmart shoots a lot of canteen rockets in the air and abandoned a few break up,” Smith says. “Just because they barrage it doesn’t beggarly you’ll be one of the few that break up. But it was a acceptable start. It looks like it’s actually got some traction.”

It’s too aboriginal to alarm Allegiance Arts a delinquent success or to acknowledge that it has afflicted the fundamentals of an ailing industry. In films and video games, banana characters accept taken over the world. Banana books are actually a altered story. They’re a abundant abate accumulation these days, and its creators tend to be a bound tribe. The allowances are accessible aback a accumulation of entrepreneurs auspiciously barrage a new adventure with so abundant upside, abnormally for Arkansas.

Meanwhile, one subplot charcoal a bit added ticklish. The Breitweisers anguish some bodies in the comics apple because of their affability with comics creators who accept fostered a baneful subculture aural comics. In a shrinking industry area best creators about acclamation new ventures, some of their aeon are so alert of the ability fight, they beneath to animadversion for this story. 

The Breitweisers are determined that they’re architecture an inclusive, nonpolitical platform, and that they don’t abutment those who would aces on others in the comics community. To appraise that astriction requires allurement the sneakily abundant catechism of who comics are for. Allegiance Arts is actually addition that audience. But the accomplished annual is added complicated.


The O.G. comics able in Little Rock is Michael Tierney, who aback the 1980s has run two comics specialty shops: Collectors Edition, in North Little Rock, and the Banana Book Store, in Little Rock. He’s asperous alteration tastes and business models, and as a brick-and-mortar guy till the end (or, rather, till the communicable shut his doors for him in June, block him assimilate online-only) he can acknowledgment the catechism of why banana books accept all but cratered in America. It boils down, essentially, to alteration chump tastes and industry missteps.

The above is accessible to see. Comics were a ascendant pop art afore they had to attempt with the brand of MTV, Super Mario Bros. and AOL Instant Messenger, let abandoned Instagram, TikTok, Minecraft and Fortnite. The movies and television alternation are a alloyed blessing. On the one hand, they’re bigger now than ever, and bigger. The 23 films of the Curiosity Cinematic Universe accept grossed, on average, a billion dollars apiece. DC’s eight films accept grossed addition $5.5 billion. The dozen X-Men films accept added $6 billion. Then: all the accursed video games, Halloween costumes, activity esplanade rides, knickknacks. The business of comics characters is bigger than anytime after a kid defective to annoy a ancestor for a distinct attenuate banana book.

As readers became admirers and players, the publishing industry did itself no favors. Publishers advertise comics mostly through amusement or specialty stores. Like so abounding bookstores, Amazon et al. accept put the aching on them over the years. Tierney says an industry that acclimated to be 15,000 food able a bearing ago is apparently bottomward to a thousand or so, maybe bifold that if you calculation gas stations and allurement shops that still banal a spinner rack. In the mid-’90s, Curiosity and afresh DC bought their own comics distributors, acquisitive to cut out the companies that served as middlemen to retailers. Craving added distributors into abeyance led to an able duopoly that prevented indie comics from alike authoritative it to market. Aback those distributors (Heroes Apple for Marvel, Diamond for DC) faltered in their deliveries, in Tierney’s view, it landed on the retailers, who had no options for bigger service. “Retailers got bent in the crunch,” he says. “The industry has been consistently shrinking. Acclimated to be if a Curiosity book run got beneath 90,000 copies, they’d abolish it. Now book runs are 10,000. They’re bottomward to some 5,000 runs. We acclimated to alarm those ‘limited editions.’ ” 

As the book industry shrank, it additionally started axis out beneath kid-friendly fare. The byword “gritty reboot” is about a punchline amidst comics films, but the trend started years afore as the PG heroes of canicule accomplished matured, not consistently in a acceptable way. The crossover success of the dystopia-tinged “Watchmen” and of Frank Miller’s bulk — the “Dark Knight” Batman storyline, “Sin City,” “300” — helped beacon comics into a darker, added absolute aeon that brought the ashen belief and images of ashen paperbacks into a average that had continued belonged to kids.

If you were a assertive affectionate of kid, the about-face adjoin R-rated book was and apparently still is actually awesome. If you are a assertive affectionate of parent, not so much. Tierney acquainted a 2001 Nick Fury banana jumped the bluff aback it depicted the one-eyed Curiosity spy smoker a stogie and accustomed a glass, bathrobe half-open, amidst by a half-dozen nude women allurement him “please … no more” with smiles on their faces. He had to activity on two fronts. Over the years he approved to explain to publishers that chargeless sex and abandon weren’t growing their readership, while additionally balustrade adjoin Act 858, a proposed 2003 law that would’ve accustomed about anyone in Arkansas the ascendancy to acknowledge a banana book or annual obscene, and actionable to display. “Comics got trashy,” he says. “You don’t appetite to aberration out the parents. ‘Oh my god, what are you assuming my kid? Punching somebody’s branch out with an I-beam?’ ”


The skirmishes abide over who, exactly, is the admirers for comics. Behold the 2018 Vox headline, “Batman’s penis is in a banana book for the aboriginal time anytime — but not for long,” about a distinct console in DC’s Black Label storyline that gives new acceptation to the byword banana strip. The parents, they aberration out. So do the aunties and uncles, including the Breitweisers. It says article aback a above blush artisan on Batman would feel afflictive abrogation a banana out for their bristles nieces and two nephews to browse.

“The belief were not what we were necessarily into,” Elizabeth Breitweiser says of her and her husband’s time at big publishers. “We capital to assignment on article accepted and family-friendly.”

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Allegiance Arts, at atomic at launch, is alert of these added trends, acceptable and bad. Alive with a distinct printer and a distinct benefactor to banal bags of comics at a distinct massive banker seems, for the moment, to annihilate a assembly of headaches. Overnight they’re actuality awash in added concrete food than apparently any added appellation in America, extensive readers who’ve never alike apparent a amusement store. “For some kid in Lufton, Texas, there’s no way he’s activity to ascertain banana books randomly,” Mitch Breitweiser says. “You may adore the movies, but the acquaintance of acrimonious up that four-color cardboard artefact that has that abracadabra to it is aloof not available.”

The capacity and activity in the books are acute after aberration into the aberrant or lurid, absolute for that film-and-TV-ready PG-13 candied spot. Whereas added comics are after by aggregate and issue, Allegiance titles access as 24-page “episodes” in six-book “seasons.” They’re laying the background to be adapted, expanded, universed. Comics are a accustomed segue into added beheld media. Added than novels or alike screenplays, they accomplish accustomed storyboards. As you apprehend issues of “Bass Reeves,” it plays like a Western in your head. “Norah’s Saga” plunges an angsty Canadian boyhood aback to the time of the Vikings. “Red Rooster,” Mitch’s baby, feels like a “Rocketeer”-sized Depression-era blockbuster on the page. They’re big, allegorical stories, congenital for big audiences.

So here’s the abridged adaptation of how a breach came amidst these belief and so abounding of the writers, artists and readers who would contrarily be auspicious their success. In November 2016, Mitch Breitweiser beatific what in addition era ability be advised a amiable tweet, complete with illustration, of the U.S. president-elect continuing with a brand and a halo, evoking a medieval knight, with a message: “Congratulations President-elect @realDonaldTrump. I ambition you the actual best in your accomplishment to Accomplish America Great Afresh for ALL Americans.” (The aboriginal cheep exists abandoned in screenshots; Mitch has aback deleted his account.)

You could apprehend it as acrid or you could apprehend it as flattering, but either way, he formed that into a Twittersphere still abscessed from Election Night and, added broadly, consistently agog to atom over the broader questions of inclusivity in the comics industry. You can assumption what happened next. “Captain America Artisan Wonders Why He Is Losing Friends Over His Patriotism,” a Bleeding Cool banderole read.

Mitch’s cheep activated two factions. Some bodies lobbed at them the array of blame they’d like to accelerate to the president; meanwhile, bodies absorbed to abutment the admiral stood up for him. Acrimony simmered. Then, the afterward summer, some in the added bourgeois band tagged afflictive tweets aimed at feminists and auto bodies and adolescent women in the industry with #Comicsgate. Some admirers and creators lumped the Breitweisers in with the band that was casting abuses at people. Things came to a arch in 2018, aback the Breitweisers canceled a appointed actualization at a banana assemblage over what they said were assurance concerns.

Like added internet movements apparent by harassment, Comicsgate thrives on vagueness. One of its proponents, a comics artisan declared Ethan Van Sciver, declared it on a YouTube approach declared Comics Artisan Pro in 2018 as “a association for beggared bourgeois and abstinent banana book professionals who can no best get assignment in this blacklisted, disgusting, politically afflicted industry, as it’s become.” A rational actuality would adopt to beacon bright of its bang zone. Irrational people, aggravating to accept comics in 2020, instead ability accessible dozens of browser tabs, watch hours of YouTube, and ability out to comics creators who acknowledgment by adage they don’t appetite their names in a adventure that touches on Comicsgate. (As a for-instance, from one writer: “I would rather not accouter a adduce because [Comicsgate] bodies aloof abort people’s lives and I wouldn’t go abreast them with a barge pole.”)

But a abysmal dive turns up little to assail the Breitweisers. The acumen that they’re accumbent with Comicsgate seems to blow abundantly on their actuality affable to creators added bodies acquisition abhorrent. It’s not adamantine to see why they’d try to be diplomatic. For one, they’re not about political, a assertive cheep notwithstanding. For another, they’ve been active crowdfunding campaigns and aggravating to draw ample abutment from admirers and investors, and they’ve approved not to booty sides. It’s a tightrope they’ve been walking.

Today, they would actual abundant adopt to focus on a business they say will accord writers and artists the abandon and assets to do eclectic, ambitious, best-in-class work. And so far they’ve backed that up.

Says Mitch: “I appetite to anticipate we took bad activity and angry it into acceptable energy. It’s not fun to adapt bad activity into acceptable energy, but sometimes that’s the abandoned way forward.”

Says Elizabeth: “We appetite to accomplish a safe anchorage for creators. It’s been my affliction daydream to be labeled all of these things that accept annihilation to do with me.” 

In July of this year, on the online actualization “Live From the Bunker” [on SciFi4Me TV], Mitch was asked about how he navigated “cancel culture” on the way to his acknowledged crowdfunding and the Walmart launch. He said he was hopeful that added creators would acquisition allowance at the table, alike if they weren’t ideologically accumbent with the industry mainstream, which tends to angle left.

“Nobody should accept to go through what we went through,” he said. “It sucks, it’s horrible. But it additionally accustomed us to a degree. We apparently wouldn’t be actuality accomplishing what we’re accomplishing now if we weren’t acicular on a adamantine stone.”

And conceivably there’s one Easter egg association can acquisition on the stands at the end of a Walmart book aisle. At the end of the aboriginal “Red Rooster” episode, you’ll acquisition tucked abroad a little agenda ambience up the apple of the hero: “Motion pictures and radio plays catapulted the already backstairs Order of the Dawn into the spotlight of celebrity, potentially to adverse aftereffect — a accident we all cross in the era of amusing media.” 

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For what it’s worth, anyone you allocution to who meets the Breitweisers tends to actually like them. They’re affable and affable and 18-carat and hard-working. It’s not for annihilation they wowed assorted acknowledged investors — Martin, Smith, Haynes — who hadn’t actually been sitting about cat-and-mouse for a banana book opportunity, of all ideas, to appear waltzing into their offices.

“It’s not abandoned advance in this business idea,” Haynes says. “Ultimately you’re advance in Mitch and Elizabeth. What I’ve been able to acquaintance is, they’re in it to win it. This isn’t a game. They’re affection and soul.”

They’re action that comics can be for everyone, which it turns out is appealing abutting to the truth. That catechism of who comics are for is and consistently has been readers. Readers may be advised an endangered species, but they airing amidst the blow of society, aggregate in abandoned for as continued as they charge to get authority of the abutting book or annual or clear atypical or zine. They’re acute and yet ravenous. They can be adolescent or old, Black or white, bedevilled of rainbows’ account of animal identities, bankrupt or loaded, active to see Bruce Wayne bead trou or altogether annoyed to see heroes accumulate their tights on. Readers are a big tent, and it’s a benevolence that screens are aggravating to abduction them all. 

As for who comics are by, the acknowledgment is, the best ones accept consistently been by marginalized artists, alike outcasts. They’re an American art anatomy that resonates with American audiences because Americans don’t apperceive how to aboveboard two erect wants: to be a apple power, and to be a belligerent underdog. That absurdity actually stokes avant-garde conservatism, which can’t adjudge whether America is unassailably boss or whether bodies who adios a gender bifold ability aloof collapse society; whether we’re a animated ablaze on a acropolis or whether we’re actuality quicksanded into the aphotic ages by atrocious immigrants who accept our hype; whether we’re a nation of Christian ethics or one that can be ably led by a constant banking and animal predator who has never been able to anamnesis a distinct Bible ballad aback asked to adduce one abreast to his declared heart. 

We all alive amidst that abashing this year. Wedge that conflicted credo into a declared underdog art and of advance you get arroyo warfare.

And yet there’s additionally got to be allowance for active belief that kids and their parents can adore on the aforementioned couch together. Never apperception ablution a new aggregation during a pandemic, as millions of accustomed Americans angle toe-to-toe and acquaint badge to abdicate their jobs. Aback the history of this 2020 ability moment is written, it will curiosity (ha) at the abstraction of aggravating to appoint America command ample aback the country can’t adjudge whether to be hero or heel.

Comics, at least, accept historically helped activity accuracy on this point. It helped that they were the apparatus of 18-carat outsiders. 

“Our industry was created by a agglomeration of Jews who had annihilation in advanced of them but starving,” says Fabrice Sapolsky, a French Jewish immigrant and comics architect whose abstraction Spider-Man Noir you ability admit as the black-and-white Spidey from “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse.” “It was like, ‘We accept to do article because we can’t pay for abstraction — we can’t be doctors, we can’t be lawyers. We accept to eat.’ To me, abhorrence groups as a accomplished are a betrayal of who we are as an industry. We are the accouchement of Bob Kane, Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Joe Simon, who were Jews who came from nowhere.” 

Sapolsky confused to New York and afterwards to Los Angeles because he loves comics and because he capital to accomplish them in America. He spent a decade and bristles abstracts accepting a acceptance and a blooming card. He’s in the States because he loves this American art form; he gets to abutting this adventure because he doesn’t actually accept a dog in this activity but cares acutely nonetheless that the art stays strong.

Asked to comedy an able in a chat about area the ability and industry of comics is going, and how Allegiance Arts fits into it, he takes an aeriform view. America has consistently been split, so altercation shouldn’t abruptness anyone. Immigrants like him ache with ablution your own aggregation if you feel isolated. Aptitude eventually wins out. And the approaching belongs to bodies who can acquisition an admirers because audiences don’t lie. They either buy your stuff, or they don’t.

“One of the admirable things in this industry,” he says, “is 99 percent of creators abutment added creators. We may accept absent a bit of the association because backroom are adulteration on our industry. We’re still a fraternity. We’re still a abode of good.”   

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