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Tamar Braxton's admirer has asked a Los Angeles cloister for aegis from her.

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TMZ claimed that David Adefeso filed for a abstinent adjustment on Sept. 8. It is cryptic what he's alleging Tamar has done, but TMZ addendum that David is gluttonous to "prevent" calm violence.

The cloister has yet to accept his request. 

Tamar's acclaimed ancestors hasn't absolutely been admiring of her accord with David, claiming the accompanist has afflicted for the worse back accepting complex with him. They're additionally assertive that David is allowance to cull the strings (or at atomic aggravating to) in commendations to her "Get Ya Life" absoluteness TV show. 

The aftermost several months accept been agitated for the above "The Real" cohost. Back in July, badge and medics responded afterwards she was begin benumbed at a Los Angeles hotel. In his 911 call, David said Tamar has been agitated with WeTV producers about a pilot episode.

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Tamar's family, however, anticipation it was actual odd for David to allocution to a bagman about the declared WeTV beef during this accurate moment, as Tamar was still unconscious. 

"Tamar's affection swings tend to adjust with how David's feeling," TMZ said recently. "They additionally say he's actual complex in her business decisions."

David has allegedly been agitated with how he has been portrayed back the appearance began in backward July.

Video: Britney Spears seeks to accomplish capacity of conservatorship accessible (ABC News)

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