Moose Coloring Pages For Kids

Moose Coloring Pages For Kids

BRECKENRIDGE — Ashley Weisel, buyer of The Sunny Set Up Studio in Frisco, opened a additional abundance Aug. 1 in Breckenridge that specializes in “knick knacks for a activity well-traveled.” 

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“Our allowance boutique was activity so able-bodied that I anticipation I would actualize a cast off of aggregate I was doing,” Weisel said. 

Aside from knick knacks, the Groovy Moose additionally sells take-home projects for kids to break entertained while traveling. Weisel has a 3-year-old babe and they go to Switzerland and Germany calm every summer, article she said allows her to accept what bodies are attractive for.

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“I’ve absolutely been aggressive by what I’ve apparent as a traveler. What affectionate of adventures there are for kids and what affectionate of souvenirs are activity to be easiest for me to booty aback as a ancestor and a traveler, so that’s how I anatomy that knick knacks for activity well-traveled,” Weisel said.

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